Thursday, January 3, 2013


It has been FOREVER since I updated this thing, and in re-reading old posts, it's like I don't even have the same life anymore....So, new year, new start....

Now that I'm out of school, this is the first year where I've made legitimate New Year's Resolutions, mostly because I have the this year, I plan to:

-Read at least 20 pleasure reading books this year
-Find something fun and exciting to look forward to at least once a month
-Eat a little better, exercise a little more
- Read a relevant journal article that will help me at work at least once a month
-Stop falling behind with my comic book issues! (THIS IS A BIG ONE FOR ME...hehe)
And lastly:
-Do better in developing and maintaining friendships....This is probably the biggest issue for me right now, and will probably what I address in tomorrow's blog post....

Happy New Year, All!


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

geek and sundry.... the best way for me to spend my free after work timez. from season 1-5 of the guild, tabletop with wil wheaton, and written by a kid, i could spend all day watching. plus day9 is getting in on the action. when i feel like my normal job has drained me of nerdom, i head over to the geek and sundry youtube channel and get my nerd cup refilled.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

jobs jobs jobs...

...everywhere. what's a girl to do? i've never had to make this big of a decision before. i married my first boyfriend, went to the first college that accepted me, left and went to the first college that accepted me after that, went to the first graduate school that accepted me. and now i have multiple job offers and both have such positive aspects, i'm having a hard time choosing.

i think i know what i am going to do, but part of me is scared to let those other offers go and have no fall back in case i made the wrong decision. just relying on a whole lot of prayer right now...

Friday, May 25, 2012

graduation... is done. i completed my classes. i've started interviewing for jobs. and i walked in my school's graduation ceremony. i officially have a master's degree. and it is the most surreal experience of my life. right now, it just feels like normal summer break. like in eight weeks i'll be in the office supply section of target stocking up on spiral notebooks and ticonderogas. but no. any day now my entire world focus will shift when someone calls and says they want me.

want me to be a speech therapist. for realizies. to really actually help people. on my one. and then also pay me for it and not give me homework. i feel like my adulthood is just starting to begin and i can't wait!

Friday, May 11, 2012

fun thrift store find...

from the 1930's. the information is totally obsolete, but it's a fun read and looks great on the bookshelf!

Monday, May 7, 2012

omg spin pins.

everyone go buy them now. they are amazing. i have a giant mop of curly frizzy hair on my head and it always looks fabulous when i straighten it. but i don't always have an hour a day to devote to just the top of my head, so i'm always looking for a cute way to put it up.

enter the spin pin. i bought them at target on a whim and i'm so glad i did. these two twisty pins keep my whole mess of hair in a super cute bun all day. stick a flower pin back there and i look like i'm actually rocking a look (instead of hiding my frizz!).

i'll make sure to post pics this week, but seriously, they rock. i can't wait to get a job just so i can wear them to meetings and rock my super professional persona!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

pre-buyer's remorse....

....anybody else? argue with yourself for every little thing you want to buy, even when it costs very little? i have done this my whole life. i can remember being 8 years old at a toy store with my birthday money for hours, refusing to buy a single thing. and i'm not one of those people who are all about money. if hubby merely suggests that he thinks something is cool, i run out and get it for him. when i visit my mom for a long weekend, i love going out to eat with her, shopping, etc.

but when there is something that i really want, i find it almost impossible to just buy it. and the more i want it, the more i convince myself i shouldn't get it. i'm not sure if i don't think i deserve it (cause i don't feel that way overtly, at least) or what. but it's stopped me from getting a few great pieces for my house or my closet. i can barely buy lipstick at the target because my FAVORITE shade is like 7 bucks, and i know i can get something else cheaper (but usually uglier. and then i WASTED money buying the cheaper lipstick i hate because i go back for my fav anyway). and i know hubby gets annoyed having to constantly reassure me that it's okay to get something.

so yesterday, I DID IT! i wanted a pair of shoes, and only had to argue with myself for 10 minutes before i (with hubby's encouragement) pulled the trigger. and now i can't wait for them to come in. because for 50 bucks, you can bet i will be wearing these bad boys with everything!

so, anybody else? have a tough time "splurging" on things you really want?
Pinned Image
i've wanted oxfords forever! from