Saturday, November 13, 2010


some days, i just do not want to do homework. with the holiday on thursday, i told myself i could relax for the day, but by friday i had to start working on one of my five term papers or study for a midterm.

yesterday, i did nothing. and now today, i want to do nothing. but i really have to get on it. so before i lock myself in my bedroom and start trying to negotiate with myself, i thought i'd take a few minutes to think about why this insanely hard work will be worth it.

first, this is san juan capistrano, ca. i want to live here. it's a nice neighborhood with good schools, it's very historic and it's just beauftiful. plus, it has a lot of small town charm that a lot of places in southern california are just lacking. in order to live here, i will need a well paying job. to have a well paying job, i will need to finish my master's.

in san juan capistrano, i want a house. period. not a condo or town-home. maybe not THIS one house, but something cute and roomy. and that will cost money.

and i want to go to here. neither hubby nor myself has ever been to europe. as soon as this pesky school thing is out of the way and i collect my first paycheck, we'll be packing out bags and heading out!
honestly, i just want a car that doesn't squeal at under twenty miles an hour. but this would have to be my first choice.

i keep on this school path so i can have a good career and provide for little Sophie or Stephen (yes, we already have names picked out. no we will not be procreating for at least three more years). i want to be able to give him/her everything
most importantly though, i keep with it for this guy. because despite his decision not to go to college, citing it as both a waste of time and money, he works all the overtime he can get to help me get through school. and despite upwards of 70 hour work weeks, there are still things he wants that we can't afford because of my being in come may 2012, i fully intend to return the favor.

and so i guess that's why i'm really going to actually go write my papers....."the impact of stuttering on job outlooks"- your time has come.

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