Monday, November 1, 2010

chocolate that is hot.

this weekend, hubby and i trekked to best buy 'cause he needed a new keyboard (which was something he wanted for a while and was a bit happy when his finally broke). after we left best buy, i spotted my own mothership, starbucks, across the parking lot and asked hubby if we could stop for hot chocolate. at which point, this happened:

'chocolate that is hot, chocolate that is hot'- yes, he was singing it to the tune of 'drop it like it's hot' which i'm ninety-nine point nine nine percent sure he's never actually heard before. also, there was a dance.

then he ran out of words and made 'hot chocolate making sounds' to the melody.

thanks, hubby, for the much needed chuckle and for reminding me why i love you. and for the chocolate that is hot. it was yum.
(love the colors/effects possible with my film camera :)


  1. omg for the captcha that I needed to type in for my comment i just made, the captcha was drubaca.... i'm assuming it's a long-lost cousin of chubacca's? lance would know.... ask him.
