Tuesday, January 3, 2012

new year, new life

this year, i started thinking about potential new year's resolutions. of course, the same tried and true ones came to mind- be more thrifty, be healthier, do laundry on the regular (cha right, as wayne campbell would say). every year, i've tried to think of some fun goal to have, but the conversation i have with hubby usually goes something like this:

me: "hey, this year let's set a goal to go on a really fun vacation."
hubby: "okay. when is your break from school? i'll ask for some time off"
me: "oh. well, i only get 9 days in the middle of august."
him: "hmmm. that's a pretty bad time. lots going on at work this summer. can you take a few days in march?"
me: "well, that's sort of the middle of midterms, but i can try..."

and then we don't go anywhere. another common conversation:

hubby: "this year, we should start saving for a house."
me: "with what money, rockefellar? we're lucky to get buy on just one income as it is."
hubby: "yeah. you're right. i just hate going to the laundromat!!!"

so, basically, we stopped dreaming big. heck, we stopped dreaming mediocre. BUT this year...this year is different. before the year is even half over, i will be done with school. which means no more slaving away studying for tests or writing papers. it means a second income. we can move. we can travel. i'll have time for real hobbies.

i've been so freaked out the last few months because come may, the one phrase that has described me since i was four ("full-time student") will no longer apply-although, to be fair, at 4 i was probably more inclined to refer to myself as "The Pink Ranger" than a student, but still... i felt like i was losing my identity. but with the new year, for the first time, i'm not mourning the loss of that identity, i'm excitedly looking forward to creating a new one! so, this year, i want to:

-learn how to develop my own film
-move to an apartment/condo/house/whatevs with a washer and dryer (and room to develop film...)
-go to New York at christmas time
-take a sign language class at a community college
-go to vegas at least twice, possibly for next new year's eve
-take a road trip, even if it's just a short one to norcal
-go to disneylnd (can you believe i didn't go once last year! and i live a mile away!)
-beat a whole slew of video games i'm only half way through
-pass my comprehensive exam and freaking graduate!

here's to lots of fun in 2012! or at least the second half!

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