Wednesday, April 27, 2011

bangs rule.

the single greatest hair decision i ever made was cutting me some bangs. they are amazing, and here's why.

1. forehead breakouts are no match for me! as a grad student, i get stressed. stress causes break outs. and my forehead usually takes the brunt of the attack. who cares cause you cant see it anyway.

2. building off point one, i save make up time when i need to. so, im running late and i dont have time torub some foundation on my forehead. nobody cares.

3.saves time on hair- no matter how giant of a poof i ball the rest of my hair into, if i straighten out my bangs, it looks like im rocking an actual hair style. this works super well when i have to look professional in the clinic, but forgot to wash my hair.

4. perfect style for vintage fashions. perfect style for causal fashions. perfect style for business fashions. perfect for when i'm going rocker chic; girlie-girl, teacherly, sweet or spunky. the list goes on. i never really have to worry about 'how to wear my hair' with an outfit  'cause the bangs do most of the work.

5. eyebrow tweezing is a thing of the past. which is sad, but if i need to buy an extra ten sleeping minutes during finals, i'm going to cut every corner i can.

6. i basically want to be zooey deschanel. this is a start.


  1. this is an old pic! i demand a new one!


  2. and psssshhh zooey deschanel ain't got nothin' on you.

  3. Very few women look good WITHOUT bangs....(at least soft bangs anyway). And that is why there aren't many attractive women anymore. Every hair stylist wants to give each one of their clients the same boring "blah" bob hairstyle with no bangs. Long faces especially look unattractive without bangs to shorten the face and draw attention to the eyes. The only reason a women would allow her hairstylist to give her a style withOUT bangs is that it costs less if you don't have to return to the salon for a bangs trim!

    1. why don't more women realize this?!!!!! Bangs are much more flattering!

  4. Look at how much prettier and more youthful Michele Obama is with her new hairstyle .....WITH BANGS. She no longer looks like the mother of the president!
