Sunday, June 19, 2011

me: isn't it just the cutest thing when people drink out of mason jars at weddings and restaurants and stuff?
hubby: yeah.
me: i wish WE could have mason jar cups.....*sigh*
hubby: why can't we?
me: um....because....uh...

SO today I went out in search of mason jars. and they were cheaper than anticipated. and we had a lovely summer dinner with lovely summer glassware at a private dinner party- for two.

Happy Summer, Guys!


  1. Wonderful idea! What better way to enjoy summer than drinking out of masonm jars.

  2. Hahaha! It's so funny how we do that isn't it? I say something ridiculous like that all the time, "I wish we could..." and every time my husband replies the same way. "Then why not?!"

    What a good life lesson here. Why not do the things we love or find beautiful or fun? So glad I landed on your blog :) It's wonderful!
