Monday, February 28, 2011

camera love.

fact- i love polaroids. who doesn't?
fact- i was devastated when i found my mom's old camera in the garage only to discover the film was no longer being made and cost an arm and a leg.
fact- i found out about the instax mini/polaroid 300 cameras and felt a glimmer of hope in a meaningless world.
fact- i decided the hundred buck price tag was a tad too rich for my blood. when you consider the price of film and all the jazz, it just seemed out of reach for a while.
fact- goodwill has a website where you can shop online, ebay style.
fact- some loser totally donated their polaroid 300 camera! sucka!
fact- it is an amatuer mistake to make your max bid end in a 0.00- i.e. 20.00, 30.00 etc.
fact- i won the puppy with a bid of 21.00.
fact- camera arrived today.
fact- with a giant smile and butterflies in my tummy, i drove as fast as i could to target to get film to see if the camera works.
fact- the camera works.
fact- i am in love with it! already preparing a wall to be dedicated to my instant pics!!
that is cat hair as the camera is resting on a kitty condo. not human hair- i'm not a disgusting pig person.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

day eleven.

day 11- write a bucket list of things you want to do before you die

this will be short and sweet: have babies, bye a house and make it adorable, work in a skilled nursing home and wear vintage dresses to work daily, go to europe, see the pyramids, take a road trip across the us, and possibly- many, many moons from now- earn a ph.d. i'm not a very adventurous person and have no desire to leap off things, jump into anything with a riptide or climb anything higher than the ladder to the top of the ferris wheel at the county fair.

i do, however, constantly think about what the wizard tells the tin man at the end of the wizard of oz: "a heart is not judged by by how much you love; but by how much you are loved by others." at the end of my road, i just want to know in my heart i did all i could to bring love into the world and that i shared it with everyone around me.

i'd maybe also want to punch a shark. just for the cool story. and i'd get mad respect from my future kids and grandkids.

Friday, February 25, 2011

day ten.

day 10- songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad

i've kinda been avoiding this post on purpose. thing is, if i'm honest it's gonna sound like a cop out.

 basically, i listen to all my favorite music all the time. if i'm happy, i like my favorite music. if i'm sad, i listen to my favorite tunes to perk me up. if i'm bored, i like my favorite music and also dancing to it or trying to figure out how to play it on the bass. if i'm hyped, i listen to the same music but louder, and maybe i scream the words along with the band. if i'm mad- i don't like to listen to music then. i just want to be alone. and when the music's on, i don't feel like i'm all by myself.

so, i'm going to kind of alter the task for today.

every so often, there are songs that i just absolutely crave. worse than any chocolate or coffee craving. i feel like nothing can go on until i listen to that song. if i have to request it on the radio, fidget with my ipod, burrow through the depths of the center console trying unmarked cd after unmarked cd, or (in times of severe desperation) log onto youtube from my smart phone. yes, i have done this while driving BUT i never WATCH the videos, i just need to hear the songs.

so here the are in no particular order: my heroin songs (note:the song "heroin" is not one of them. but "sweet jane" also by the velvet underground, is.).

1. blitzkrieg bop- the ramones. i feel  like everyone in the world knows this song, and if you don't my heart literally aches for you. or you're amish. and that's cool.

2. sweet jane- velvet underground. it's just awesome. the velvets are awesome. just love it.

3. my own worst enemy- lit. takes me back to middle school every time i hear. and it's still cool. also, fun at karaoke bars.

4. josie- blink 182. see above. also, it's hubby and my song 'cause we love blink and cause it's not sappy and 'cause we're from san diego and ate at sombrero's all the time. we want to name our daughter josie.

5. guns of brixton- the clash. political dissatisfaction, paranoia, ska beats, awesome bass line, synthasizer, and paul simonon singing. what's not love?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


i've been trying to get more excited about the future lately. it can be really hard to keep motivated for things like school and work when it feels like your life is going nowhere. my cousin, who i'm very close to, became a mommy this week. and while i'm very happy for her, it's a bit of a bummer when the most exciting thing i've done this week is read about hearing loss. to cheer me up, hubby took me out yesterday to the town i want to live in after grad school. it was nice to just explore that community and imagine living there. it was a little vacation for my thoughts.

today, when i went for a walk to the store, i saw this perfect picture. and i bought it. it was frivolous and i don't need it right now- there is nowhere to put it and it doesn't quite go with the style of our apartment. but it is the epitome of how i want our house to look when we buy one. so i bought it as sort of proof to myself that i will be there. eventually.

Monday, February 21, 2011

day nine.

day 9- something you're proud of in the past few days

i know it may seem like everything i post around here has to do with school or my future job or something. but this one was a no brainer for me. in the last few days, i've been very proud of my future profession, especially since the (amazing) film, "the king's speech" is everywhere.

picture from
the movie is amazing. for one, when's the last time there was a movie about a speech therapist? and two, this is one of the first times in a movie where a stutter is accurately depicted, and not used to imply the character is dumb, evil, or anything other than a person with a difficult time talking.

i'm proud to be going into this field and to hopefully, help others in a way that has a significant impact on their lives.

Friday, February 18, 2011

day eight.

day 8- short term goals for this month and why

making goals in grad school feels like a waste. i always have a million things i'm going to do "after i study" or "after this paper is done." problem is, after i study, there is more studying to do. so my goal for the month is basically just to cross some non-school related things off my to do list.

i'd like to work out more- it's healthy and will boost my energy.

i'd like to stay within my weight watchers points- cause i wanna drop some lbs and cause i paid for it. mostly cause i paid for it.

i'd like to learn a song on the bass hubby got for me when i was on winter break and that i haven't touched since school went back in session.

i'd like to be a better wife- cook more, clean more, and spend more time hanging with the hubs.

and i'd like to get a's on all of my assignments. but that is not a this month goal. that's an always goal.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

day seven.

day 7- a picture of someone/something that has had the biggest impact on you

this is a tough one. how do i pick one thing that's had the biggest impact? every person and every experience has lead me on a journey that made me who i am today.

but i'm going to go with:

picture from the westwood college website.

after our freshman years (mine and his, not doing it twice) hubby decided he did not want to continue at the four year school in san diego he was attending. he spoke to his parents and decided to go to westwood college, with a location in anaheim. this meant he was going to move. i had to make a decision: would i stay at my school or transfer to orange county to be with him?

i decided to transfer. but at the last second, hubby couldn't go to westwood. so i moved to anaheim and he stayed in san diego. we were long distance for a semester. and just when we were about to crack from the strain of a long distance relationship, he decided to move to orange county, too- school or no school. we spent the next semester hanging out, going to disneyland constantly, and spending every free second with each other. he got a part time job at a movie theatre (that he hated) and took classes part time at the community college. it was so fun and so exciting, he asked me to marry him. i accepted. duh.

the reason, though, that he wanted to move to the oc for school was that his dream company, the one that he had wanted to work for since he was in the eighth grade, was in the oc. he hated his job, so i knew i had to help him. i sent his resume in for him. and he got the job. the same week he started there, i attended the club fair on campus and met a nice professor, from whom i heard the words "speech-language pathology" from for the first time.

so even though hubby did not attend that college, from it:
-he got his dream job
-i got into the perfect major for me (which was not available at my first college)
-we spent a semester apart (which stinks) that solidified in our minds, and hearts, how much we were meant to be together.
-we moved out of our parents houses and saw that we could do it on our own, proving we could handle being married. if we still lived at home, we probably wouldn't even be married right now
-we started our own life in a city away from every one else we know. we got to make our own path, rely on each other, and be exactly who we want to be.

thanks, westwood college.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

day six.

day 6- favorite super hero and why
batman. i like the darkness of gotham city. it's not the all american apple pie place a lot of other comics live in. and i like that he has no super-powers. everything he can do, he created or figured out for himself.
also, christian bale as the dark knight is super yummy.
oh la la...

watching weight.

i started using weight watchers online two weeks ago to try and shed about ten to fifteen pounds before swimsuit season. so far, i really like it. i don't feel like there is anything i CAN'T have, just that sometimes i have to choose between two yummies that i would want to eat.

i've been packing a lunch to take to school everyday, so i'm doing well for about three fourths of my day. the problem starts when i get home. most of the dinners i used to make take up almost a third of the amount of fat/calories/etc. that i'm supposed to eat in a day. and it's hard because with school and work, i usually don't have a whole lot of time to cook and clean at the end of the day.

so i need help. anyone out there have any super yummy, super easy to make dinners that are ALSO healthy/low fat and calories? preferably that only requires one pan- cause that's usually how many are clean at a time in this house.

Friday, February 11, 2011

day five.

day 5- a picture of somewhere you've been

well, i haven't been to a lot of places, so i'll share a few.

as a kid, my family and i used to drive from san diego to kerville, texas every summer to visit my grandmother.
this is kerrville. yep.

when grandma got a little older in years, she moved out to california to be near my family, so we started vacationing near palm springs in a city called cathedral city.
it was super beautiful. but we went in august so we never left the hotel pool/spa/restaurants. 

after my dad passed away, we didn't really do any more vacations. my next trip was for school. i was selected for some honor roll thingy and it included a trip to chi-town.

then i finished high school, started college, and didn't take another trip till hubby and i honeymooned.
we spent about in week in san fransisco. super fun!
for our year anniversary/hubby got a bonus and i really needed a vacation from school trip, we went to hawaii. which was better than i expected and i can't wait till we go back!
this was the view from our room. this is also when i started taking an interest in photography. even though i still had a horrible camera.

and then, of course, i've been to vegas. cause i'm a twenty something college student and i'm pretty sure a weekend in sin city is a general ed requirement.
so that's all the places i've been. texas, plam springs, chicago, san fransisco, hawaii and nevada. oh! and stars hollow, connecticut.
j/k. it's really in burbank but i still think it's cool!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

day four.

day 4- a habit that you wish you didn’t have
worry. i worry and overplan to the point of insanity. i'm worried about money, health, losing weight, cleaning, school stuff. this year, we got a giant tax return and i worried about what to do with it. pay off this credit card, get this done to the car, go to summer school, etc. i gotta cool it sometimes.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

some days.

some days are just harder than others.

some days i spend all my break time in the bathroom crying and trying to think of any excuse i could give my supervisor and professors that would allow me to go straight home.

some days i know i can do it, but i don't know that i want to. 

some days i have to set small goals in order to prove to myself this day will eventually end. if i can make it twelve i can make it to two. if i can make it to two, i can make it to four. if i make it through my four o'clock client, i can do my paperwork and go home.

today is one of these days. and i still have six and a half hours to go....

Sunday, February 6, 2011


for a long time in my life, i described myself as an anachronism- something in the wrong time. all of my favorite fashions, hairstyles, music, pop culture icons, are from the 1960's and 1970's. that, of course, is where i was meant to live me life.

but this past week, i finished reading "please kill me" which is the history of punk rock, told in interviews of people who were there from when it started in the early 60's to when it died in the 70's. and i learned something interesting. the mods hated the punks who hated the hippies who hated the 'rock' crowd. violent physical altercations occurred when mod kids would walk past punk clubs. or if a musician in a leather jacket walked near the hippie part of town. they purposefully sold each other bad drugs and stole from each other.

how would i chose? i love mod clothes, punk AND rock music, hippie ideals. and to think i would have had to chose!

so now i know i was, in fact, born in the perfect decade for me. i can listen to whatever i want, wear whatever i want, believe whatever i want and no one facet of my being must be defined by any other part. i am even more blessed than previously thought.

if only i didn't have to also put up with rap.....

p.s. the book was great! a bit vulgar, as is expected considering the subject matter, but highly recommended to anyone who truly appreciates music that means something and the people who make it.

day three.

day 3- a picture of you as a child
i don't have a lot of pictures of me as a child. but i'm really glad i have this one. my daddy was my best friend and my biggest fan. he passed away when i was in high school, but this picture is the perfect representation of our relationship. <3

Saturday, February 5, 2011

day two.

day 2- the meaning behind your blog name
whenever hubby thinks i'm doing something adorable, he always chuckles and calls me "ridiculous." at first, i was offended but after seven years i've learned it's his term of endearment. i knew i wanted to incorporate it into my blog title. then i found the marilyn quote on my banner and was blown away. so true. and so absolutely ridiculous was born. also, its a bit of a through back to Ab Fab. if you didnt watch it, you prolly wont be my friend.

Friday, February 4, 2011

day one.

yesterday, i stumbled upon a thirty day blog activity. today is day one:
day 1- recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
New Year's 2011. Pretty wasted.
1. I married my high school sweetheart :) we started dating our sophomore year and got married 4 years later (when we were both 20!)
2. i'm a geek. i admit it. i play world of warcraft and go to convensions and yell at the spiderman movies when there's something even just a bit off from the comic.
3. everyone assumes i'm a teeny bopper based on my personality and how i dress and stuff. in reality, my favorite bands are the ramones, led zeppelin, and ac dc.
4. about point 3, when i was a kid, my allowance was based solely on my ability to name songs, bands, and/or facts. we'd be driving in the car and my mom would say "who sings this?" and i'd answer. then my dad would through in "what's the name of their drummer?" at the time, i found it really annoying. now, i'm really glad they instilled this love of rock and roll in me.

5. when i was a kid, i used to roller skate all the time. my best friends dad/ dad's best friend (cool) owned a rink and i spent every weekend of junior high there. because of this I broke my hands multiple times and have an awkardly sticking out pinky that makes me rock at guitar hero.
6.i am the only non-shunned member of my family to move away from san diego.
7. my checks have "the nightmare before christmas" pictures on them
8. everyone of my favorite pieces of clothing came from the thrift store or a merch stand. with the exception of two pairs of jeans from ross (which may as well be a thrift store)
9. i've worn the same pair of converse since i wass 13. that's ten years now. 

10. i changed my major in college 6 times, and still graduated early.
11. i mix every bit of make up i put on. i use two foundations, two lipsticks, two blushes, two eyeshadows and liner, two mascaras, etc. sometimes, i can't pick between the two,and other times it just feels nice to know nobody else is wearing exactly what you're wearing.
12. when i listen to a cd or an ipod, i try to guess how many other people in the world are listening to that same song right when i am. weird to think about.
13. i'm a tad morbid. when i used to say my prayers at night as a kid, i always ended with "and please don't let a demon posses my body and make me kill my family. Amen." It's subsided a bit. But to this day, hubby will call and say "I have a bit of bad news" and my mind immediately jumps to him having an affair, us having to hide a body, he finally tried heroin and is going to devote the rest of his life to looking for junk. Usually, though, he just has to work late.
14. I wear the same nail polish for a month. I touch it up and reapply as needed, but i use the same color for a month.
15.hubby and i treat our kittens like our babies. they're just so cute and easy to cuddle.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

thirty days.

today, i stumbled onto a blog, lovers in a dangerous time, and found this list:

day 1- recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
day 2- the meaning behind your blog name
day 3- a picture of you as a child
day 4- a habit that you wish you didn’t have
day 5- a picture of somewhere you've been
day 6- favorite super hero and why
day 7- a picture of someone/something that has had the biggest impact on you
day 8- short term goals for this month and why
day 9- something you're proud of in the past few days
day 10- songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad
day 11- write a bucket list of things you want to do before you die
day 12- write a poem to someone you love
day 13- your 5 favorite books and why
day 14- a picture of you and your family
day 15- put your ipod on shuffle: first 10 songs that play
day 16- a picture of yourself
day 17- someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
day 18- plans/dreams/goals you have
day 19- write about a sweet memory from your past
day 20- write a letter to someone
day 21-a picture of something that makes you happy

day 22- what makes you different from everyone else
day 23- something you crave a lot
day 24- post your favorite quote or verse of scripture and why
day 25- what I would find in your bag
day 26- list 10 things that you are thankful for
day 27- my day job verses my passion
day 28- cruise a thesaurus and pick out 10 words you like the sound of

day 29 - favorite tv shows and why you like them
day 30 - movies you can watch again and again.

sounds fun! i'll be starting with day one tomorrow. stay tuned...

this weekend, in more detail.

friday, i sold an old coach bag on ebay and used the winnings to join weight watchers for three months. i just wanna drop a few pounds, so i'm excited to see how it works. some words of wisdom, though: do not join weight watchers before you go to vegas for the weekend. i ate like twelve million points.

saturday, i was supposed to go to the dentist. i arrived ten minutes early only to find they had no record of my appointment. i should them the little card thingy they sent me as a reminder. didn't matter. the dentist had already gone home for the day. moral of the story: those stupid appointment cards are really just a dental conspiracy to kill more trees.

sunday, hubby and i picked up some road food and headed to vegas (and i totally conned him into buying me a ramones cd i didn't already have. score!). the company he works for paid for everyone at his level and higher (managers, developers, etc.) to go to the palms for two nights. sunday, we drank. he drank a lot. i had one drink and then took care of him. it was nice. i won three dollars playing penny slots.

monday, we had to take a shuttle full of retirees to get to the strip. worth it. finally got to see some of the cool stuff we didn't make it to last time. we gambled. we lost thirty bucks at roulette. then we ate lunch and went back to our hotel. hubby really wanted to play craps so i gave him seventy bucks and went to get some coffee and explore. when i came back, he had two hundred and sixty bucks! so i dragged him away and we went to a yummy buffet.

p.s. buffets were MADE for me. i can out-eat anybody, anytime, anywhere. definitely got my money's worth. and that made me happy because even though i want to drop a couple lbs, based on the weight i eat i should probably weigh a hundred pounds more than i do. so go me.

tuesday we woke up, ate breakfast, and headed home. i had felt icky all night so i was glad to get home, not so glad to be in the car for four to five hours. i did my school reading and the time flew. we made one pit stop. super gross bathroom but i had no choice. we make it home, and my eye is really itchy. i keep trying to scratch it but nothing helps. then it starts getting goopey. then i realize i have pink eye. i blame the nasty pit stop bathroom. had to miss school and work wednesday. boo.

but i'd still do it over again. why? because sometimes i forget how to "act my age" and be less responsible for a day or two. i wasn't going to go to vegas at all because i wanted to do some homework. but seriously, what twenty three year old turns down a free weekend in vegas with the hubby? and even though i may not party THAT hard, it is kinda a right of passage to come home from vegas with SOME kind of disease....mine just happens to be in my eye.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

this weekend.

vegas. pinkeye. weight watchers. animal style fries. details to come.