yesterday, i stumbled upon a thirty day blog activity. today is day one:
day 1- recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
New Year's 2011. Pretty wasted. |
1. I married my high school sweetheart :) we started dating our sophomore year and got married 4 years later (when we were both 20!)
2. i'm a geek. i admit it. i play world of warcraft and go to convensions and yell at the spiderman movies when there's something even just a bit off from the comic.
3. everyone assumes i'm a teeny bopper based on my personality and how i dress and stuff. in reality, my favorite bands are the ramones, led zeppelin, and ac dc.
4. about point 3, when i was a kid, my allowance was based solely on my ability to name songs, bands, and/or facts. we'd be driving in the car and my mom would say "who sings this?" and i'd answer. then my dad would through in "what's the name of their drummer?" at the time, i found it really annoying. now, i'm really glad they instilled this love of rock and roll in me.
5. when i was a kid, i used to roller skate all the time. my best friends dad/ dad's best friend (cool) owned a rink and i spent every weekend of junior high there. because of this I broke my hands multiple times and have an awkardly sticking out pinky that makes me rock at guitar hero.
6.i am the only non-shunned member of my family to move away from san diego.
7. my checks have "the nightmare before christmas" pictures on them
8. everyone of my favorite pieces of clothing came from the thrift store or a merch stand. with the exception of two pairs of jeans from ross (which may as well be a thrift store)
9. i've worn the same pair of converse since i wass 13. that's ten years now.
10. i changed my major in college 6 times, and still graduated early.
11. i mix every bit of make up i put on. i use two foundations, two lipsticks, two blushes, two eyeshadows and liner, two mascaras, etc. sometimes, i can't pick between the two,and other times it just feels nice to know nobody else is wearing exactly what you're wearing.
12. when i listen to a cd or an ipod, i try to guess how many other people in the world are listening to that same song right when i am. weird to think about.
13. i'm a tad morbid. when i used to say my prayers at night as a kid, i always ended with "and please don't let a demon posses my body and make me kill my family. Amen." It's subsided a bit. But to this day, hubby will call and say "I have a bit of bad news" and my mind immediately jumps to him having an affair, us having to hide a body, he finally tried heroin and is going to devote the rest of his life to looking for junk. Usually, though, he just has to work late.
14. I wear the same nail polish for a month. I touch it up and reapply as needed, but i use the same color for a month.
15.hubby and i treat our kittens like our babies. they're just so cute and easy to cuddle.